It’s 2063 and the mining boom in WA is on its last legs. School communities have been temporary as mining companies moved their employees to more and more remote locations in the search for remaining resources. The National Broadband scheme is in place. Extended families live in far flung corners of the state. Your brief is to design a learning environment for these families that creates a sense of community that is currently missing.

I think that this scenario is not as far off as 2063, it is happening in our rural and remote areas in this day and age. Many families overcome the hurdle of living in remote Australia through home schooling as living in remote areas lends itself to less opportunities to receiving many dimensions of education.Communication technologies would help build up communities of practice that are essential for helping to connect communities, a must for remote locations.

In this environment, its important to bring communities together to allieviate the feeling of isolation through interacting with others in the community. This interaction allows children and families to grow socially, helps to build up a sense of community and belonging and allows individuals to understand that they are not the only ones dealing with situation. This can be done through the use of excursions and sport within the community, any gathering that allows all communities to share and interact.

The NBN is vital in bridging the communication barriers between those in rural and remote areas, all the while allowing individuals to engage in a virtual learning space. Children and adults both can engage in online communities of practise and can access social schooling networks in order to bring isolated communities closer together.