Beyond the Classroom; Communities of Practise

Communities of practice are established everywhere and we are involved in many. It is a procedure of learning simultaneously with others who share a passion for something and make an effort to learn more and as a result, frequently interrelate with their CoP.

CoPs vary in their characteristics but I suppose that is what is expected; having different interests and varied knowledge and ultimately different goals will ensure that different CoPs exist. Three crucial elements of a CoP are the domain, the community and the practice.

You can build the components of a CoP into your PLN by encouraging members to contribute regularly by sharing experiences or simply adding a comment. A new physical learning space can be greatly impacted upon through a CoP as many people, with the shared interest will be trying to help the best possible learning space be expanded.Through an online mode of the internet, pictures can be shared, as well as ideas and if necessary conferencing which enhances the experience.

The CoP in which I am a member of is my workplace; out of hours school care with the organization Camp Australia. I believe this is a practice as we are constantly trying to learn the best way to run the program and are always sharing experiences and resources with others of the same practice. The ‘domain’ involves the shared interest of children, the activities they become occupied in and their safety. The ‘community’ is an online forum of the organization in which members can talk and share thoughts. The ‘practice’ is our ongoing selection of activities and games and things of interest to the children which is constantly changing yet built upon by hundreds of members.